
Our Services

Personal Finance Solutions

Our partners at IFSG - Integrum Financial Solutions Group can provide services in:

Life Insurance

Mortgage Insurance


Education and Retirement Funds

and many more.

Education Placement

Our partners at Global Bridge Education Placement Services (GLOBE) has access to 1500+ Colleges and Universities in Canada, US, UK, and Australia.  They have access to Canadian private career colleges as well.  With over 1000+ programs being offered, students have plenty of options to choose from.

Business Finance Solutions

Our partners at ITAS - Integrated Tax and Accounting Services can provide services such as:

Accounting and Bookkeeping

Corporate Tax Filing

Health Spending Account (HSA) 

Invoicing and Payments, and more.

Professional Immigration Services

Coming soon.

Mortgage Solutions

Coming soon.

Real Estate Agents

List to come out soon

Web and Graphics Design

Coming soon.

IT Security

Coming soon.

Business and Management coaching

List to come out soon

Canadian Settlement Services

Coming soon.

Residential and Commercial Cleaning

Coming soon.

Elderly Care

List to come out soon

Airline and Travel Booking

Coming soon.

Property Management

Coming soon.

Residential Construction and Renovations

List to come out soon

Income Streams For our Business Relationship Managers (BRMs)

1. Personal Production
15% to 85% of maximum payout
2. Direct Recruit Bonus
Paid out yearly on team members' anniversary
3. Bonus from Partners
10% to 200% of maximum payouts depending on productivity
4. Team Override
As you advance in your position, so too will your overrides
5. Recruit Override
Starts at 10% of your recruit's payout
6. NEW!  Business Builder Coach
Qualified business builders are compensated for every successful team member onboarding

Does BlueSky work?  YES!

  • A great business model:  Low cost, low barrier, non-intrusive to your existing career, business, or commitments.
  • Have multiple sources of income.
  • Unlimited deals.  No quotas. No inventories.  No need to sample products.

Turn your network into net worth.

- Abel Pagaling

We're A Business Built On Serving Others

If you already own a business, add our services as part of your TOTAL CLIENT PACKAGE and get compensated when your clients use our other services. 

5 Years of Experience
Eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum lorem ipsum doler sit a met. 
Team Of Experts
Eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum lorem ipsum doler sit a met. 
20+ Courses
Eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum lorem ipsum doler sit a met. 

Let The Numbers Speak

of Business-to-Business say referrals create excellent leads
of marketers say that referral generate high-volume leads
say that referral programs have lower cost-per-lead than other channels
marketers rate referral as the second-highest source of quality leads

Reasons To Join BlueSky From Your Network's Perspective

People value relationship.  They will go to who they know and trust first.
Your network values your inputs and recommendations.
People appreciate it knowing you're ready to help them.
You're not selling them something they don't want.  You're helping them get what they need.
Your network can continue to count on you as long as they know you.
Your network is happy to see that you will get compensated for helping them.