Your Bright Future

Our Mission

To create a bright financial future for countless people around the world by enabling them to unlock the income opportunities within their networks, thus allowing individuals, businesses, and organizations to reach their financial goals.  We believe that profit in business doesn't have to be one-sided.  Profit can and should be shared.
Download our information E-Book and see how BlueSky Network Solutions Group can make a difference in you.

How BlueSky Works

Simple.  Our BlueSky Relationship Managers (or BRMs) find clients for our BlueSky Business Partners (or BBPs).  Once the work is done and the payment of the service(s) is complete, our BRMs are compensated for finding the clients.

Within your personal, work, or community networks, hundreds of transactions are happening each month.  BlueSky allows you to tap into many of these transactions and get a percentage of the profit.  Just take a moment and reflect.  How many people do you know?  And how many of them are making purchases or getting services such as life insurance, tax preparation services, accounting, immigration, legal services, or other services?  What if there's a way to get paid in many of these transactions?  BlueSky allows that to happen.  Read on to know more about what we do.

Contact us today and get a copy of our Business E-Book to know more about us.

Reality Check 

The Financial Challenges We Face Today

44% Are Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck
Pay raises don't come fast enough for many.
170% Household Debt Ratio

Barrowing makes it easy to get fast money but at a great cost which is now a burden for many families.

1.7% Savings

For those who can save, they are able to save very little.

46% On the Brink of Personal Insolvency

With not enough coming in to finance personal debt, many find themselves in the verge of bankruptcy. 

48% Are Under Insured

With not enough left at the end of the month, people cancel one of the most important financial protections for themselves  and their loved ones - their health or life  insurance.

Less than $900 Yearly Savings

Pay raises don't come fast enough.  Retirement should be comfortable.  But with less than $1,000 a year in savings, many will find their retirement funds will not be enough when the time comes.

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Today's Relationships, Tomorrow's Opportunities

In BlueSky, we believe that building relationships should be profitable.  There should be a reward in growing relationships.  When you build relationships, people trust you, and naturally, they come to you for help.  If 10 people came to you and inquired about a service, and you assisted them by referring them to a business or having a business that you know contact them, you should be compensated for that effort.  

Sadly, many people use their time and effort helping others without being compensated.  This prevents them from growing their relationships, and for others, discourages them from meeting new people or joining new groups.

Our goal is BlueSky is to enhance relationships by making it profitable.  Relationships should be rewarding emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

The Benefits of Being a Business Owner with BlueSky

Reality Check 

Why It's Important To Be A Business Owner

Create Additional Income Streams
Personal business allow for new income streams which can supplement your monthly paycheck or replace it altogether.
Control Your Income

Businesses like BlueSky have no income limits.  You can decide how much to earn, what you need to do to get there, and the overall work you put into it.


When you own your business, you decide when to promote yourself.  Your advancement is decided by you.

Be Your Own Boss

  As a business owner, you are your own boss.  This freedom allows you to tap into your greatest strengths and potential without the red tap that often comes in the workplace.

Create Relationships

 As a business owner, you can create and cultivate relationships.  Be a valuable member of your community and be trusted by the people around you.

 Achieve Financial Success

Owning a business is really the only way to achieve financial success.  The reward is worth the risk.

Success Stories

I started a student placement agency in 2019.  This little accompany attracted agents from all walks of life who wanted to be "independent education advisors."  With training, many of the agents operated their personal business under our company's umbrella.  Many of them earned significant amount of income while continuing to work their regular jobs.  They were able to help themselves financially, and they were able to help many students start their careers in the right path.  This is one example of how owning a business can create a brighter future.

- Abel Pagaling

President and CEO

BlueSky Network Solutions Group - BNSG 

Why Join BlueSky?

Growth Potential
Our business model allows you to help your network with the services they need, allows you to build a team of like-minded entrepreneurs, and allows you to expand your network so you can continue to keep growing your business.
Team Of Experts
Our BlueSky Business Partners (BBP) are experts in their services.  As part of BlueSky you become part of our team of experts.  Work with professionals as you work on growing your business.
Offer Multiple Services
As a BlueSky Relationship Manager (BRM), you can offer the services of our BBP.  And as we grow our number of BBPs, you can offer more services in your network, which means more income to you.
No Inventory
Unlike businesses that require you to purchase inventories and give out as samples or to sell, BlueSky deals directly with "services" that people need such as finance, investments, real estate, legal, immigration, renovation, and other services.  There is NO inventory or monthly purchase.
Continues Learning
Our BBPs and partners are full of knowledge in their industries and are professionally trained.  One of the requirements from our BBPs is that they share their knowledge that will help all of us succeed in business.  This means plenty of professionals to learn from.  
High Income Potential
Your income is determined by the amount of effort you put into BlueSky.  You can plan your income goals, we will show you how to get there.

Endless Opportunities

Every contact is a client.  My network marketing group is my BlueSky client.  Everyone in the group will need insurance, or a real estate agent.  My BlueSky Team can help.   
Eric S. Network Marketer
As a BBP, I can offer more than just my services.  I can offer all the services within BlueSky.  If my clients trust me in one area, they will trust me in other services.  That's the beauty of building great relationships.
Saqib K. Mechanic
As a BlueSky Coach, I help new BlueSky Relationship Managers grow their teams.  And for every successful BRM I help onboard, I'm rewarded.  Helping new entrepreneurs allows me to sharpen my coaching skills while I get compensated for it.
Marietta P. Community Leader