About Us

What We Do

We build relationships and create opportunities.

We're a bridge between clients and the services they need.

We give people an opportunity to own and grow their business in their own pace with very little investment required.

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Businesses that LAST are built on great relationships, and most importantly, TRUST.

Abel Pagaling President and CEO, BlueSky Network Solutions Group
With BlueSky, it pays to have a big network

The more people you help, the more you earn.  It's that simple.  Your NETWORK contributes to you NETWORTH.

Work in Any Situation

BlueSky is a non-intrusive business.  You can work on your business in any situation.  You could be in a birthday party, in the classroom, in the shopping mall.  As long as you are helping people, you are working in your business.

Grow Exponentially

There are several ways to grow in BlueSky.  

Assist your network by providing them our services. 

Grow your team and receive overrides.

Become a business coach and help grow teams.

Become an ambassador of BlueSky.

Duplicate Your Success

Growth must be independent of you.  

To truly achieve business freedom, your business must grow and duplicate.

BlueSky allows you to bring in new members to become a part of your business.  This allows you to duplicate, which means growth.

Success Stories

BlueSky has allowed me to leverage my network and the collective network of all their agents to get leads for my services.  By taking care of the marketing and client acquisition, BlueSky has allowed me to focus on doing what I do best.  Servicing my clients.

- Roger R.

Why Choose Us

A Great Business
Low cost, low barrier, non-intrusive business.   
Multiple Sources of Income
Transactions within your network become an income stream for your.
Your Effort is Your Limit
Grow your business and income at your own pace.  Your activity is your income limit.  You're in control.

Your Income Potential with BlueSky

Transactions per month within your network
Potential BlueSky clients 
In monthly payouts
Services to offer your network

From Our Members

My network is always looking for services.  Before I would just refer them to businesses I know and not get compensated for it.  Now, I can refer them to our BlueSky network and get compensated for it. 
Annabelle P. Operations Directors
We help people in the financial services industry.  As a BlueSky partner, I'm able to provide financial services to people, and at the same time, offer them quality services within the BlueSky network.  The best part is, I get compensated for my business referral.
Robert R. Financial Advisor
I'm passionate about my community.  I connect and work with other community leaders.  We deal with people all the time.  As a BlueSky Relationship Manager (BRM), I can help people by directing them to qualified service providers.  This helps me serve my community in a more tangible way.
Jenna S. Community Leader